Desktop VisualizeR v1.2.10.5 AdFree ¤¤ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android s | Android Market | Android v2.1+ ¤¤ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android s | Android Market | Desktop VisualizeR(DVR) makes shortcs widgets image specified icon of anor lication Home screen. change icon when create a shortc. ¤¤
¤¤ Desktop VisualizeR(DVR) makes shortcs widgets image specified icon of anor lication Home screen. change icon when create a shortc. ¤¤ Don't know exact size widget images? Purchase DVRImageCrop DVRImageSlicer. Some of widgets screen shots are created by se -ons. Please try. ¤¤ Usage:From Home screen press menu->->Widgets Shortcs->Desktop VisualizeR ¤¤ * crash log will be sent us us our b server through internet. ¤¤ ** Important changes 1.2.7 ¤¤ * have removed L_PHONE permission. , DVR not direct phone l t widgets encoded shortcs anymore. B DVR will alwa launch dialer instead. If want direct phone l, please install DVRDirectl. ¤¤ ** Changes 1.2.3 ¤¤ * From t version, decided embed ads(Added permission ads). hide ads, please configure icon by our paid -ons icon packs. confirm wher ads hidden not, please see "No Ads" status Setngs menu. ¤¤ * Now lication list cach included. not need DVRListCache anymore. If not need cach, please OFF "Cache lication names" option Setngs. ¤¤ * Now lists homes, includ seems register create shortc broadcast receiver dynamily, when creat shortcs. ¤¤ * Added widget size inmation dialog(menu > More > Widget info). ¤¤ * Refactored fure enhancement. ¤¤ * widget icons. ¤¤ * More widget sizes(3x4, 4x3). enable se sizes, please change setngs by "Widget Usage" Setngs menu. ¤¤ Recent changes: ¤¤ * Fixed Galaxy S3 direct phone l issue. Hover, please check encode option when create shortc third-party launcher. ¤¤ * minor bug resource fixes. ¤¤ Less description » ¤¤ Latest version: ( Android version 2.1 higher) ¤¤ /> ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤ Download Instructions: ¤¤ http://ul./0jn4gh3x ¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤